This is a curation of interesting articles and videos sent in by our friends, and peers in the industry. Each of these suggestions has something you can start applying immediately in your role or can help you with a skill you should have.
Best practices for any team preparing for executive presentations - A Guide to Achieving the Outcomes You Want
Defining and achieving research impact at Facebook - Defining Research Impact | Facebook Research
Why and how to get other departments involved to have more impactful research - 7 ways to get other departments into user research
Building and balancing a strong product strategy - TBM 20/52: A Product Super-Skill (Balancing Divergence and Convergence)
The importance of thinking like a scientist regardless what role you have and the willingness to be proven wrong - Adam Grant: Think Again - The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know
Are there other articles that you found interesting this week? Share your recommendations in the thread below.